Eater of Life, A Poem: Mark Lanegan at The Shelter

Adrien Carver
1 min readJun 5, 2019


Line out front blue sky clouds guys in line behind me talking about the tragedy of their kids liking imagine dragons and not Lou Reed

Wait cried fills out

Jack and coke candy thoughts

Blue light Rufus wainwright cat power over PA

First band Simon Bonney

Can’t see him sitting

Acoustic violin guy on turntables but hear nothing but voice acoustic violin

Can’t hear a fucking thing when I can it’s soporific

Long speech about song written for her brother ten year anniversary of death

Musical family spread it’s tentacles all over Golden tentacles silver

Raconteur adventurer eater of life

Time machine song

Need 8 people for band we could multiply ourselves but we don’t want to

The audience looks like a bunch of opioid epidemic statistics

Wait, get a drink, eat Reese cups

Lanegan comes on

I don’t know songs

Listen raspy voice grunge sounds good

Leave after bleeding muddy waters

Negative thoughts

Cutie at door

My car radio doesn’t work, computer froze up

Brick walls slathered w black paint blue light

Booze weed and women you’ll never touch

